The Office of H.R.H. Crown Prince Alexander II
Njegovo Kraljevsko Visočanstvo Prestolonaslednik Aleksandar
II u pratnji članova Krunskog saveta položio je danas venac na grob svog oca
Njegovog Veličanstva Kralja Petra II u porodičnom mauzoleju Crkve Svetog Đorđa
na Oplencu povodom 90 godina od rođenja blaženopočivšeg Kralja.
U Crkvi Svetog Đorđe na Oplencu, zadužbini dinastije
Karađorđević služen je pomen za pokoj duše Nj.V. Kralja Petra II, nakon čega je
Nj.K.V. Prestolonaslednik Aleksandar II položio venac na grob svog oca,
blaženopočivšeg Kralja Petra II u porodičnoj kripti. U pratnji Nj.K.V.
Prestolonaslednika Aleksandra II bili su i članovi Krunskog saveta: g-din
Predrag Marković, Prof. dr Slobodan Marković i g-din Darko Spasić. Poštu Nj.V.
Kralju Petru II odali su i članovi Udruženja Kraljevina Srbija zajedno sa
građanima Topole.
Nj.V. Kralj Petar II bio je prvorođeni sin Kralja Aleksandra
I i Kraljice Marije, Rođen je u Beogradu 6. septembra 1923. Kumovi na krštenju
bili su mu engleski Kralj Džordž VI i
Kraljica Elizabeta (kasnije Kraljica Majka Velike Britanije). Posle osnovnog
obrazovanja koje je stekao na Dvoru, pohađao je školu u Engleskoj, iz koje se
vratio posle atentata na njegovog oca 1934. Pošto je tada bio maloletan i imao
svega 11 godina, kraljevsko upravljanje zemljom preneto je na Namesništvo koje
se sastojalo od tri regenta, među kojima je bio i njegov stric Knez Pavle
Početak Drugog svetskog rata 1939. stavio je Kraljevinu
Jugoslaviju pred tešku odluku: da li da pristupi Trojnom paktu (Nemačka –
Italija – Japan )
ili da se suprotstavi neuporedivo snažnijem neprijatelju. Odluka Princa Pavla
da potpiše ponuđeni ugovor naišla je na žestoke proteste u zemlji, koji su 27.
marta 1941. doveli do krize vlade i državnog udara. Prestolonaslednik Petar
proglašen je punoletnim, i odmah preuzeo ovlašćenja od Namesništva.
Jugoslovenska vojska nije mogla da se odupre predstojećoj
invaziji nacističke Nemačke koja je usledila: Jugoslavija je bila okupirana za
11 dana. Kralj Petar II bio je primoran da zajedno sa vladom emigrira, prvo u
Grčku i Palestinu, a zatim u Egipat. U junu 1941. stigao je u Englesku, gde je
prihvaćen kao simbol otpora nacizmu. Za vreme svog izbeglištva Kralj Petar II
je dovršio školovanje u Kembridžu, nakon čega se pridružio engleskom
Kraljevskom vazduhoplovstvu (RAF).
Uprkos slomu jugoslovenske vojske u zemlji su oformljena dva
suparniča pokreta otpora. Prvi je bio rojalistički na čelu sa generalom
Dragoljubom (Dražom) Mihajlovićem, Ministrom odbrane vlade u izgnanstvu. Drugi
je bio komunistički partizanski pokret, koji je vodio komunista Josip Broz -
kasnije poznatiji kao Tito. Posledica je bio krvavi građanski rat.
Saveznici su najpre podržavali Mihajlovića, a onda su se
preorijentisali na Tita. Godine 1944, u pratnji sovjetskih tenkovskih brigada,
partizani su ušli u Beograd i oformili
komunističku vladu. Naredne godine, u novembru, monarhija je nezakonito, bez
referenduma ukinuta, a Jugoslavija se preobrazila i tokom više od četiri
decenije ostala totalitarna jednopartijska država pod vlašću komunističke
Kralj Petar II nikada nije abdicirao. Godine 1947.
komunistička vlast je oduzela državljanstvo i konfiskovala imovinu Kraljevskoj
Porodici. U izgnanstvu je prvo živeo u Londonu sa svojom suprugom, grčkom i
danskom princezom Aleksandrom (od 1944. godine) i sinom Aleksandrom, rođenim
1945. godine. Poslednje godine života proveo je u Americi. Posle duge i teške
bolesti umro je u denverskoj bolnici 3. novembra 1970, a sahranjen je u crkvi
Svetog Save u Libertvilu. On je bio jedini kralj sahranjen u Sjedinjenim Američkim
Državama. 22. januara 2013. godine njegovi posmrtni ostaci preneti su u
Kraljevsku kapelu na Dedinju, a 26. maja 2013. godine sahranjeni u zadužbinskoj
Crkvi Svetog Đorđa na Oplencu tokom Državne sahrane zajedno sa njegovom
suprugom Njenim Veličanstvom Kraljicom Aleksandrom, njegovom majkom Njenim
Veličanstvom Kraljicom Marijom i bratom Njegovim Kraljevskim Visočanstvom
Kraljevićem Andrejom.
Commemorating the
90th Anniversary of the birth of HM King Peter II
His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander II accompanied by
members of the Crown Council laid a wreath on the tomb of his father HM King
Peter II at the family Mausoleum of St. George Church in Oplenac, commemorating
the 90th anniversary of birth of the of His Majesty King Peter II.
The requiem for the late King was officiated at St. George
Church in Oplenac, Endowment of the Karadjordjevic Dynasty, and afterwards HRH
Crown Prince Alexander II laid a wreath on his father tomb in Family crypt.
Accompanying HRH Crown Prince Alexander II were members of the Crown Council
Mr. Predrag Markovic, Prof. Dr Slobodan Markovic, and Mr. Darko Spasic. Members
of Kingdom of Serbia Association and citizens of
Topola also paid respects to HM King Peter II.
King Peter II of Yugoslavia
was the firstborn son of King Alexander I and Queen Maria of Yugoslavia .
King Peter II was born in Belgrade
6 September 1923 his Godparents were King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (later
Queen Mother of Great Britain). His education commenced at The Royal Palace
after which he went to Sandroyd School in England , which he left after his
father's assassination in 1934. Since King Peter II was 11 years old and
underage at the time of his father’s assassination, a regency was formed
consisting of three regents including his great uncle HRH Prince Paul
In 1939 at the beginning of the Second World War, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia found itself surrounded by
countries that had joined the Axis as allies of Nazi Germany. Prince Paul's
decision in 1941 to sign a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany resulted in
severe protests in the country and this led to a government crisis and a coup
d’état by Yugoslav officers on 27 March 1941. As a result of the coup, King
Peter II was proclaimed of age.
The Yugoslav Army was unprepared to resist the ensuing
invasion by Nazi Germany and Yugoslavia
was occupied within eleven days. King Peter II was forced to leave the country
along with the Yugoslav Government - initially to Greece ,
Palestine and then to Egypt . King Peter II joined other
monarchs and leaders of German occupied Europe in London in June 1941. There King Peter was
regarded by the people of Yugoslavia
as the symbol of resistance against Nazism. King Peter II completed his
education at Cambridge
University and joined the
Royal Air Force.
Despite the collapse of the Yugoslav army two rival
resistance entities were formed. The first resistance entity was the loyalist
one led by Yugoslav Army Colonel Dragoljub Mihailovic who was later promoted to
General and made the Minister of Defence of the Yugoslav government in exile.
The other resistance entity was that of the communist Partisans led by the
communist party leader Josip Broz - later known to the world as Tito. A bitter
civil war followed during the German occupation.
The Allies, having initially supported General Mihailovic
later threw their support behind Tito. The Partisans entered Belgrade in 1944 in the wake of Soviet tank
brigades and illegally established a communist Government. In November 1945,
the monarchy was illegally abolished without a referendum and Yugoslavia
remained a totalitarian single party state under the League of Communists for
more than four decades.
King Peter II never abdicated. Initially King Peter II lived
in exile in London with his wife (he married the
Princess Alexandra of Greece
and Denmark
in 1944, she was the daughter of King Alexander of the Hellenes and Aspasia
Manos) and their son Crown Prince Alexander was born in 1945.
HM King Peter II spent the last years of his life in America . After
a long and grave illness, King Peter II died 3 November 1970 in Denver Hospital Colorado ,
and he was buried at the St. Sava Monastery Church in Libertyville Illinois . He was the
only king buried in the United
States . The King's remains were transferred
to Royal Palace Chapel on 22 January 2013 for a State Funeral
that took place 26 May 2013 at the Karadjordjevic dynasty Mausoleum of St.
George in Oplenac , Serbia where His Majesty joined his
wife Her Majesty Queen Alexandra, his mother Her Majesty Queen Maria and his
brother His Royal Highness Prince Andrej.
Kraljevski Dvor
Beograd 11040, Srbija
Belgrade 11040 ,Serbia
Tel: +381 11 306 4000
Fax: +381 11 306 4040
Posetite www.dvor.rs
Public Relations
The Royal Palace
Tel: +381 11 306 4000
Fax:+381 11 306 4040
Please visit: www.royal.rs