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недеља, 27. мај 2018.


Канцеларија Њ.К.В. Престолонаследника Александра II

The Office of H.R.H. Crown Prince Alexander II

Ovo je godina u kojoj humanitarna organizacija Lajflajn iz Čikaga, Sjedinjene Američke Države, obeležava 25. godišnjicu i tim povodom organizovan je konkurs za izradu njihovog novog logotipa. Učesnici su bili deca iz domova za decu bez roditeljskog staranja, kao i deca iz svih institucija kojima pomaže Fondacija Nj.K.V. Princeze Katarine.

Ceremonija povodom proglašenja pobednika održana je u Kraljevskom dvoru na Dedinju u prisustvu Njihovih Kraljevskih Visočanstava Prestolonaslednika Aleksandra i Princeze Katarine, Njegove Ekselencije Kajla Skota, ambasadora SAD u Srbiji, dr Milene Tatić Bajić, predsednice Lajflajn Čikago, g-đe Sonje Ogrizović, sekretara i g-đe Melani Sever, blagajnika Lajflajn Čikago.

Pobednički logo osmislio je Mihail Tusunović iz dečijeg doma „Hristina Markišić“ iz Aleksinca. Pobednik, kao i još dvoje finalista – Suzana Mega, Prihvatilište za decu Beograd i Stefan Bajić, OŠ „Gavrilo Princip“ iz Beograda, nagrađeni su diplomama i novčanim nagradama.

„Srbi iz Amerike pomažu naše bolnice, sigurne kuće, domove za decu bez roditelja, stare ljude, decu, i to svake godine! Samo za Božić i Uskrs oni svakom detetu pošalju posebnu kesu sa poklonima i odećom i obućom u pravom broju. Samo ove godine oni su dali Srbiji više od 200.000 dolara pomoći. Ponosna sam da budem pokrovitelj ovom humanitarnom cilju i volela bih da vam zahvalim na svemu što ste uradili za Srbiju i da naglasim koliko je važna dijaspora kada je u pitanju humanitarni rad. Zato hvala Čikago, hvala što niste zaboravili svoj narod. Hvala i deci što niste zaboravili da one koji vas vole. Neka uz novi logo dođe i mnogo sreće, ljubavi i novih projekata za Srbiju“, rekla je Princeza Katarina.

Čikaška kancelarija humanitarne organizacije Lajflajn podržava rad Nj.K.V. Princeze Katarine i pomaže Srbiji već 25 godina. Lajflajn je osnovala Princeza Katarina, kako bi pružila neophodnu humanitarnu pomoć najugroženijim ljudima u Srbiji. Cilj Lajflajn Čikago organizacije je smanjiti i ublažiti patnju fizički i mentalno ometene dece, siročadi, starijih osoba, kao i poboljšati uslove u zdravstvenim ustanovama u zemlji. Upravni odbor humanitarne organizacije Lajflajn Čikago služi kao upravno telo misije i operacija organizacije. Svaki član odbora preuzima odgovornost da inicira i uspostavlja politike kojima upravlja Organizacija i da održava povereničku odgovornost u vezi sa finansijskim poslovima Organizacije.


This is the year when Lifeline humanitarian organization from Chicago, United States of America, is marking 25th anniversary and on that occassion the design contest for their new logo has been organized. The participants were the children from homes for the children without parental care, as well as the children from all the institutions that were being helped by HRH Crown Princess Katherine’s Foundation.
The winning ceremony was held at the Royal Palace in Dedinje in the presence of Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine, His Excellency Mr. Kyle Scott, US Ambassador to Serbia, Dr. Milena Tatic Bajich, the President of Lifeline Chicago, Mrs. Sonja Ogrizovich, secretary and Mrs. Melanie Sever, treasurer of Lifeline Chicago.

The winning logo was made by Mihail Tusunovic from children’s home “Hristina Markisic“ from Aleksinac. The winner, as well as the two more finalists Suzana Mega, The Belgrade Children’s Shelter and Stefan Bajic, Elementary school “Gavrilo Princip“ from Belgrade have been rewarded with diplomas and money awards.

„Serbs from America are helping our hospitals, safe houses, homes for children without parents, homes for elderly, children, and they do that every year! For Christmas and Easter they make special bags for each orphan with their name, toys, and clothes and shoes in their size. Only in this year they donated help to Serbia worth more than 200,000 dollars. I am very glad that we are here announcing the winning logo of Lifeline Chicago organization. I must say it is beautiful and that it was very hard to choose just one! The logo was made by the ones who are the most important to us – the children. This children are very familiar with the work of Lifeline Chicago. This organization whose patron I am, is helping Serbia, especially children, for 25 years already. I’m very proud to be a patron to this humanitarian cause and I would like to thank them for everything they did for Serbia and to emphasize how important diaspora is when it comes to humanitarian work“, said HRH Crown Princess Katherine.
The Chicago Office of Lifeline Humanitarian Organization supports the work of HRH Crown Princess Katherine and helps Serbia for 25 years. Lifeline was founded by Princess Katherine in order to provide critically needed humanitarian aid to the neediest people of Serbia. Lifeline Chicago’s goal is to reduce and relieve the suffering of physically and mentally disabled children, orphans, the elderly as well as to improve medical facilities in the country. The Board of Directors of the Lifeline Humanitarian Organization Chicago serves as the governing body of the organization’s mission and operations. Each member of the board assumes the responsibility to initiate and establish the policies governing the Organization and to maintain a fiduciary responsibility over the financial affairs of the Organization.

Краљевски Двор
Односи с јавношћу

Beograd 11040, Srbija
Tel:  +381 11 306 4000
Fax: +381 11 306 4040
E-пошта: pr@dvor.rs
Posetite www.dvor.rs

Public Relations
The Royal Palace

Belgrade 11040,Serbia
Tel: +381 11 306 4000
Fax:+381 11 306 4040