The Office of H.R.H. Crown Prince Alexander II
Краљевски Двор
Односи с јавношћу
Vaskršnji bazar rukotvorina žena izbeglica i dece sa
posebnim potrebama, biće svečano otvoren u petak, 23. marta u BIG FASHION
šoping centru, ulica Višnjička 84, Beograd.
Bazar će otvoriti Njihova Kraljevska Visočanstva
Prestolonaslednik Aleksandar i Princeza Katarina zajedno sa gospodinom
Vladimirom Cucićem, komesarom Komesarijata za izbeglice i migrante Republike
Srbije, u prisustvu predstavnika diplomatskog kora i brojnih zvanica iz
kulturnog i javnog života Srbije.
Fondacija Nj.K.V. Princeze Katarine već dugi niz godina
organizuje tradicionalne božićne i vaskršnje bazare sa ciljem da pomogne
raseljenima, izbeglicama i socijalno ugroženim kategorijama da prodaju svoje
proizvode i zarade, kako bi najveće hrišćanske praznike proveli sa svojim
porodicama neopterećeni finansijskim problemima. Više od 40 žena i dece iz cele
Srbije izlaže na ovogodišnjem bazaru, a sav prihod je namenjen za pomoć ovim
ugroženim kategorijama.
Vaskršnji bazar biće otvoren u petak, 23. marta od 11 do 22
sata i u subotu, 24. marta od 10 do 22 sata, u BIG FASHION šoping centru, ulica
Višnjička 84, Beograd.
Easter Bazaar of handicrafts of women refugees and children
with special needs, will be officially opened on Friday, March 23 at 11 am at
the BIG FASHION Shopping Center, Visnjicka 84, Beograd.
The Bazaar will be opened by Their Royal Highnesses Crown
Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine together with Mr. Vladimir Cucic,
Commissioner for Refugees and Migrants of the Republic of Serbia, in the
presence of the diplomatic corps representatives and numerous guests from
cultural and public life of Serbia.
The Foundation of HRH Crown Princess Katherine has organized
the traditional Christmas and Easter handicraft bazaars for many years, with
the aim to help the displaced, refugees and socially vulnerable persons sell
their work and earn money, which would allow them to spend two major Christian
holidays with their own families unburdened with financial problems. Over 40
women and children from all over Serbia exhibit at this year’s bazaar, and all
the proceeds from the sale is intended to help these vulnerable groups.
The Easter Bazaar will be open on Friday March 23rd from
11:00 am to 10:00 pm, as well as Saturday March 24th from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm.
Краљевски Двор
Односи с јавношћу
Beograd 11040, Srbija
Tel: +381 11 306 4000
Fax: +381 11 306 4040
E-пошта: pr@dvor.rs
Posetite www.dvor.rs
Posetite www.dvor.rs
Public Relations
The Royal Palace
The Royal Palace
Belgrade 11040,Serbia
Tel: +381 11 306 4000
Fax:+381 11 306 4040