The Office of H.R.H. Crown Prince Alexander II
Краљевски Двор
Односи с јавношћу
Njeno Kraljevsko Visočanstvo Princeza Katarina posetila je
beogradske domove za decu bez roditeljskog staranja „Drinka Pavlović“, „Moša
Pijade“ i „Prihvatilište za decu Beograd“ i isporučila igračke, odeću i obuću
deci. Ova pomoć je omogućena u saradnji sa humanitarnom organizacijom Lajflajn
Čikago, čiji je pokrovitelj Princeza Katarina.
„Najlepši način da provedete praznike jeste da budete među
ovom divnom decom. Ponosna sam na rad humanitarne organizacije Lajflajn Čikago.
Zahvaljujući njoj i mojoj Fondaciji uspeli smo da pomognemo ovim domovima i
učinimo da praznici i svakodnevni život dece budu radosniji. Radujemo se da
deca bez roditeljskog staranja sutra prisustvuju tradicionalnim božićnim
prijemima, koje svake godine organizujem sa mojim suprugom Prestolonaslednikom
Aleksandrom u Belom dvoru, a na Badnji dan posetićemo i decu u beogradskim
bolnicama”, rekla je Princeza Katarina.
Humanitarna organizacija Lajflajn Čikago izrazila je
spremnost i želju da nastavi da pomaže svima kojima je pomoć potrebna u Srbiji.
Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Katherine visited the
Belgrade homes for children without parental care “Drinka Pavlovic“, “Mosa
Pijade“ and “Belgrade Children’s Shelter”, and delivered toys, clothes and
shoes to the children. This aid was provided in cooperation with Lifeline
Chicago Humanitarian Organization, whose patron is Crown Princess Katherine.
“The most beautiful way to spend holidays is to be among
these lovely children. I am proud of the work of Lifeline Chicago Humanitarian
Organization, thanks to them and my Foundation we have managed to provide help
to these homes and make children’s holidays and everyday life more joyful. We
expect children without parental care to attend the traditional Christmas
receptions, which every year I host with my husband, Crown Prince Alexander at
the White Palace, and we will also visit children in Belgrade hospitals”, said
Crown Princess Katherine.
Lifeline Chicago Humanitarian Organization expressed their
readiness and wish to continue to assist those who need help in Serbia.
Краљевски Двор
Односи с јавношћу
Beograd 11040, Srbija
Tel: +381 11 306 4000
Fax: +381 11 306 4040
E-пошта: pr@dvor.rs
Posetite www.dvor.rs
Posetite www.dvor.rs
Public Relations
The Royal Palace
The Royal Palace
Belgrade 11040,Serbia
Tel: +381 11 306 4000
Fax:+381 11 306 4040