Њихова Краљевска Височанства Престолонаследник Александар и Принцеза Катарина још једном су били домаћини традиционалних Васкршњих пријема које сваке године организују у дому Краљевске породице Србије, Белом Двору, за више од 1.000 социјално угрожене деце. Ово је традиција коју су Њихова Краљевска Височанства започела пре више од 20 година, по повратку у Србију, са жељом да радост празника поделе са децом из угрожених категорија становништва, позивајући их у свој дом, да се најмлађи осећају као да су код своје куће.
Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine were once
again hosts of the yearly traditional Easter receptions at the home of the
Royal family of Serbia, the White Palace in Belgrade, for more than 1,000
socially vulnerable children. This is a tradition Their Royal Highnesses
started more than 20 years ago, upon their arrival to Serbia, with a desire to
share the joy of holidays with children in need, inviting the young ones to
come to their home, and making them feel at home.
The receptions were supported and held in the presence of His Grace the Vicar of His Holiness Patriarch Porfirije of Serbia, Bishop Peter of Toplica, who spoke about the importance of Easter to the children, as well as His Excellency Nikola Selakovic, Minister of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs of Serbia, and Her Excellency Mrs. Maria Levanti, Ambassador of Greece to Serbia. Children without parental care, children with difficulties in intellectual development, and socially vulnerable children, from homes, associations, and schools throughout Serbia and the Republic of Srpska, had the opportunity to receive Easter gifts from Their Royal Highnesses.
Three receptions were held on this day, where young guests had the opportunity to enjoy wonderful gifts and to spend time with the Easter bunny, the animators from the ensemble “Cigra”, as well as a music program by the Children’s Cultural Center DKC’s choir. Like every year, there was great joy for the children when they searched for coloured eggs in the Royal Park in front of the White Palace, after which the Crown Prince and Crown Princess, together with Mrs Betty Roumeliotis, Crown Princess’ sister, and other friends of the Royal family, delivered toys, sweets, and other appropriate gifts to them.
“It is my wish that every child leaves the Palace today with a sincere smile on their face and joy in their heart. Because when children are smiling, the whole world becomes a better place for us all, their smile is the greatest blessing for us, and the biggest reward. The most important thing is that our children always know that they are loved and that they are not being forgotten, and they never will be. My husband and I are very happy for the Joy of Giving that this day brought to the children, and all of us.
I know how much this means to them, as I have heard from the people working in Homes they live in, that the children wake up at night and ask “Is it time for us to go to the Palace?” Earlier, when children came to the Palace, they would look surprised and ask me “Princess, where is your Crown” and I would say to them “My Crown is in my heart, without love we have nothing!” Now when they see me, they just point to the left side of their chest, showing me that they have remembered what I told them about the Crown”, stated HRH Crown Princess Katherine on this occasion.
This wonderful Easter gathering is, same as each year, greatly helped by Lifeline Humanitarian Organization of Chicago, whose patron has been HRH Crown Princess Katherine for over 30 years, as well as company Jumbo Serbia, with a generous donation of creative toys that brought great joy to the youngest, together with numerous donors, among which are: The embassies of the Kingdom of Belgium, Kingdom of Spain, Japan, Croatia, Finland, Greece, and Slovakia, companies: Coca Cola, Žito Promet, Confida Consulting d.o.o, Atlantic Group, Vince.rs, as well as Mr. Slobodan Bekvalac and the Hellenic Business Association of Serbia.
Also, great support came from international schools in Belgrade which joined the charity campaign which HRH Crown Princess Katherine started a long time ago “Children helping children”: the British International School of Belgrade and the German School in Belgrade. This project is following Her Royal Highness’s determination and vision, that it is crucial to teach children at an early age the importance of the Joy of Giving, as well as to encourage them to bring their gifts to the Palace, to be given to their peers in need for the forthcoming Easter holidays.
Their Royal Highnesses would like to thank all the donors and supporters who generously helped with this year’s receptions for children and together made this holiday more meaningful for the young ones.
манифестација „Дечије васкршње чаролије“, највећа дечија манифестација у Србији
поводом најзначајнијег хришћанског празника, која се одржава под
покровитељством Њ.К.В. Престолонаследника Александра, Патријарха Порфирија и
Града Београда, почела је данас 26. пут, фарбањем васкршњих јаја, ком су
присуствовали Њ.К.В. Принц Наследник Филип и Принцеза Даница, са ћерком Њ.К.В.
Принцезом Маријом.
манифестације у Дому Кнегиње Љубице у Београду присуствовали су Његово
Преосвештенство Епископ новобрдски Г. Иларион, викар Његове Светости, који је
пренео благослове Патријарха српског Г. Порфирија и заједно са Принцем
Наследником и Принцезом провео време са децом, где су заједно гледали како
стварају васкршње креације. Деца ће данас у оквиру програма, као и сваке године
обићи Краљевски Двор и добити поклоне за предстојећи Васкрс.
се наставља сутра изложбом најлепших дечјих васкршњих радова у Галерији РТС-а,
која од ове године носи назив „Дечји васкршњи ликовни конкурс Бојана Асовић”,
по девојчици која је страдала у страшној трагедији у основној школи „Владислав
Рибникар“ прошле године, и која је била једна од награђених учесника
прошлогодишњег ликовног конкурса.
сам поносан што је мој отац један од покровитеља овог дивног догађаја. Увек је
велико задовољство подржати децу, посебно поводом највећег и најважнијег
хришћанског празника. Велико је задовољство бити овде данас, видети све дивне
радове и украсе које ова креативна деца праве.
свима успешну манифестацију, да их буде још много наредних година, а да деца
ових дана стекну много нових пријатеља, јер су права пријатељства највеће
богатство које човек има. Свим учесницима, њиховим породицама, пријатељима,
свима који су подржали овај догађај, желим да предстојећи Васкрс проведу у
миру, срећи и радости“, изјавио је Њ.К.В. Принц Наследник Филип.
Краљевска Височанства су обишли столове и дружили се са децом која су
осликавала васкршња јаја, а у једном моменту се и Принцеза Даница прикључила
малишанима у украшавању.
је да знамо нашу историју и да се увек поносимо њоме, својом традицијом. Веома
је дирљиво што су организатори новим називом изложбе одали поштовање малој
Бојани, која је страдала у страшној трагедији. Није лако памтити, али морамо,
то је наша обавеза, због свих који су пали тог трагичног дана“, истакла је
Принцеза Даница.
манифестација се ове године организује по 26. пут, а њени покровитељи су уз
Престолонаследника и Патријарх Српске православне цркве и Град Београд.
Започела је током НАТО агресије 1999. године, са жељом да се настави традиција
дружења деце за Васкрс, али и да им да наду у време рата. Настављена је и
наредних година, поставши највећа дечија манифестација за Васкрс у Србији.
manifestation “Children Easter Magic”, the largest children’s event in Serbia
for the greatest Christian holiday, which is under the patronage of HRH Crown
Prince Alexander, Patriarch Porfirije, and the City of Belgrade, started today
for the 26th time with the painting of Easter eggs, which was attended and
supported by TRH Hereditary Prince Philip and Princess Danica, who came with
their baby daughter HRH Princess Marija.
opening of the manifestation in Princess Ljubica’s Home in Belgrade was
attended by His Grace the Vicar of His Holiness Patriarch Porfirije of Serbia,
Bishop Ilarion of Novo Brdo, who delivered the Patriarch’s blessings for the
event, and together with the Hereditary Prince and his family spent time with
the children and saw their Easter creations. The children, as part of the
program, today also visited the Royal Palace, and received gifts for the upcoming
manifestation continues tomorrow with the exhibition of the most beautiful
children’s Easter works in the Gallery of the National Television RTS, which
from this year is called “Children’s Easter Art Competition Bojana Asović”,
after the girl who died in the terrible tragedy at the elementary school
“Vladislav Ribnikar” last year, and who was one of the awarded participants of
last year’s art competition.
“I am
very proud that my father is one of the patrons of this wonderful event. It is
always a great pleasure to support children, especially on the occasion of the
biggest and most important Christian holiday. It is a great pleasure to be here
today, to see all the wonderful works and decorations these creative children
are making.
I wish
everybody a successful manifestation, with many more to come in the following
years, and for the children to make many new friends these days, as true
friendships are the greatest wealth one can have. To all participants, their
families, friends, and everybody who supported, I wish to spend the upcoming
Easter in peace, happiness, and joy”, stated TRH Hereditary Prince Philip on
this occasion.
Royal Highnesses walked around the tables and spent time with children who were
painting Easter eggs, and at one point Princess Danica joined the young ones in
“It is
important to know our history and to always be proud of it, of our tradition.
It’s very touching that with the new name of the exhibition, the organizers
showed respect to little Bojana, who died in a terrible tragedy. It is not easy
to remember, but we must, it is our obligation, for the sake of all those who
fell on that tragic day”, emphasized Princess Danica.
event is being organized this year for the 26th time, and its patrons are HRH
Crown Prince Alexander, the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the
City of Belgrade. The manifestation started during the NATO Aggression in 1999,
with a desire to continue the tradition of children socializing for Easter, and
also to give them hope in a time of war. It continued in the following years,
becoming the largest children’s manifestation for Easter in Serbia.
Краљевски Двор
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The Royal Palace
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